Food Safety

All produce grown can be traced back to the grower, block, variety, harvest date and packed date.

Prior to the beginning of the harvest season all water used in agricultural operations is tested to ensure compliance with irrigation water standards.

Harvest equipment such as bins, totes etc. are cleaned prior to each harvest season and continuously throughout the season.

Training programs have been implemented to include safety and proper personal hygiene practices for all workers that handle produce. Field Supervisors reiterate the importance regularly to all workers. These practices include washing and sanitation of hands after each break, lunch and use of the restrooms. The use of clean gloves, aprons and hairnets is mandatory for all produce packing employees in compliance with the above sanitation requirements.

The farming, harvesting and packing operations are audited yearly for GLOBALGAP compliance and monitored by the company food safety director. These audits are conducted by independent third party auditors.
The Lagomarsino Group continues to be proactive in all agricultural operations and strives to produce a safe, high-quality and environmentally friendly product.